Thursday, April 12, 2007

So far gone, yet not so long

Instead of boring you with excuses for not posting, I will just cut it short and instead offer you a list (yay!) of things I am obsessed with. Just because.

  • I always have a book with me. One of my greatest fears (besides being suffocated or dying alone) is being stuck somewhere with nothing to do. I've been doing this since I was a child, and it feels very wrong and unnatural to be somewhere without something to read. Lately, with the stress of paper and conferences building, I have been carrying around two-four books. I would excuse it by reminding you that I am an English major, but really I'm just a dork like that. (In the interest of being completely honest I do not carry a book when I go out to bars, but that is mostly because I don't carry a purse. Credit card, id, lipstick, and keys are the only essentials I will subject to the noxious clouds of smoke in the bars around here. Oh, and my lungs, but whatever.)
  • I've mentioned my love of Burt's Bees Wax and Precise Rolling Ball V5 Extra Fine blue pens before, but it bears repeating here. I love my Burt's (petroleum free!), especially the pepperminty smell. Also, the Precise Rolling Ball V5 Extra Fine blue pen is the best pen ever invented, and it is very fun to set the end down on a napkin (or a piece of paper during class) and just want the color bleed out. See what I am forced to do to amuse myself when I don't have a book?
  • My cats. I know it is unhealthy to be obsessed with one's pets and that I should be out "living life" and "meeting people" and "finding the one" but all of that makes me tired and confused. I love talking, hanging out with, snuggling, and playing with the boys. Even when Ghost accidentally scratches me through three blankets, or Ollie bites my nose. They are so much more easy to get along with that people, and they love me because I feed them. Simple. My parents keep bugging me to bring the cats over to their house, but I HATE being at my apartment without them. It's so lonely.
  • Musicals. My goal is to collect every musical soundtrack ever recorded, and I've made a good start down that road. Sometime I will be forced to decide what cds I need to take off my iPod to make room for the news ones, but for now I've only filled up 16/30GBs. I've got a few years to go.
  • Laundry. I love doing laundry, I love putting it away, I love how everything looks when it is all hung up, I love putting the soap in the washer and watching it fill up, I love putting dirty clothes in and getting clean clothes out, I love Febreeze. I even enjoy ironing, although you wouldn't really know it by looking at me - I only manage to do it one every two months or so.
  • Reading blogs/checking my email. Even on the weekends, I check Bloglines and my email constantly. I just have to know what is going on in the world (of blogs) and if I've received my daily allotment of junk mail.



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