I've been meaning to do this for awhile, and because it is completely and utterly frivolous I have been putting it off. What with all the Oscar hoopla, though, I figured I could just blend into the superficiality.
My Top 9 Celebrity Crushes (I couldn't think of a 10):
9. Vin Diesel

- What can I say? The man has fabulous arms. And I don't care what anyone says, I loved The Chronicles of Riddick.
8. Robert Downey Jr.

- Post-drug addiction, pre-scary married guy, Robert Downey Jr. briefly reigned over Ally McBeal's heart...and mine. He was the only one that could go toe-to-toe with Ally's neuroses, and he did it with a grace and understanding that I loved. I would really like to own the season he was in on DVD, but they haven't released them in the states yet.

- Gilbert Blythe in Anne of Green Gables was my first love. I remember watching the first movie when I was really little, and Gilbert was so cute, and older, and said "both" really funny. The scene when he and Anne finally are planning their futures together on the bridge with the sunset will be stuck in my mind forever.

- I think this girl (woman, I guess) is AMAZING. She could kick my ass with her pinky finger, and look awesome while doing it. I love strong females who aren't afraid to play with the big boys, and she definitely can - see Alias seasons 1-5.

- What can I say about "Chandler" that I haven't said before? I love him, he's funny, he was on my favorite show...Did I mention that he was funny?

- When I think about the many, many, MANY hours I spent watching Jonathon Brandis on SeaQuest DSV it makes me a little scared. I mean, I could have been curing cancer or something, but no - my 12-year-old self spent HOURS in front of the tv watching recorded episodes. I would fast-forward to his scenes and then watch them over and over again, all the while dreaming that somehow he would know that I loved him and would show up at my door ready to whisk me away. I saved the TV Guides that mentioned his name, I wrote letters to his fan club, I...I'm thinking that this is a little embarrassing and that I should maybe stop. He committed suicide a few years ago, and a I admit I shed a few tears for him.

- Now we're getting into the really good stuff here. Call me a dork/nerd/geek all you want, but Capt. Mal Reynolds is HOT. I have no idea what the actual actor himself is like, but I will be forever endeared to him for playing this one character. I couldn't bring myself to see his most recent movie (I mean, really, who wants to see a movie called Slither? Yuck.) I will keep an eye on him in the future.

- Mr. Christian Bale has been in my movie life for so long I can't remember a time I didn't know and love him. Beginning with Newsies, then Little Women, my young love for the singing-and-dancing-newsboy/Laurie-who-had-his-heart-broken-by-Jo was cemented. Add in the very adult new Batman who is extremely fit, and you get one fantastic package. I believe I actually once used the phrase, "I could eat him with a spoon."

- Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the sexiest man of whatever year you can think of. Forget Clooney, Pitt, etc., this is the man for me. Even playing something of a perverted bastard in Closer, I was still on his side all the way. I really wanted him to beat up Jude Law, that stuck-up, nanny-affair-having, prancy boy. I'm not exactly sure why Clive does it for me, but I know that he does. And, just for kicks, his movies include Gosford Park, King Arthur, Closer, Inside Man, and Beyond Borders. I may have to take a night off studying sometime soon and have myself a little marathon.
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