Saturday, May 05, 2007

Do you know Target?

Target is the devil.

Or whatever circle of hell has those who spend too much money on things that they suddenly discovered that they really needed. Like I knew that I wanted some shoes, so I looked through all the shoes. I found some that were too tall, and some that were too ugly, but then I found these:

And then, when I was walking along I suddenly realized that I need towels. I really really need towels, because I only have one set that matches the rest of the stuff in my bathroom. After looking around and feeling lots of towels, I found a set that was both the right color and nice a squishy.

These are pretty much the towels I found, except mine have a pretty scroll pattern where these have stripes. I think mine are prettier. Anyway, just as I was walking towards the cash registers, I realized that I am tired of all the artwork I have in my apartment. I've had the same posters since 7th grade (well, most of them) and I want to change it up. Make everything a little more mature. And since I've been having fun the last year or so taking pictures I thought it would be fun to print out some of my pictures in black and white and frame them in nice black frames. Pretty, more grown up, and something I actually created. The frame I got at Target looks something like this:

Except that it is much longer, and with five places for pictures. And it was only $12.

And now, after I pour myself another cup of coffee, I am going to clean my apartment from top to bottom. It is kind of pathetic how excited I am about cleaning my apartment. My co-worker recommended using vingear to get rid of the flaky stuff left behind from water (like in the kitty's water bowl and the bottom of the sink). And, I want to take down all of my wall decorations and look through the stuff on Flickr. I may do that at the office, because making photos into black and white is MUCH simplier in iPhoto.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


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