I think I ran more errands this weekend than I did the entire rest of the month!
On Friday during my lunch break I went with my dad to Best Buy and Target. Then after work I went to 5 different shoes stores at the outlet mall trying to find shoes to go with my little red riding hood costume. I finally found the perfect pair of shoes, and my sister got a bonus pair.
Then Rachel and I went to Target, Bealls, Fashion Bug, and JC Penny trying to find a purse for under $15. I also purchased what I thought was red lipstick at Target earlier, only to find out later that it was in fact hot pink. I don't do hot pink. Even on Halloween. So, I had to try out all the red-ish lipsticks on the back of my hand before we found one that is really red. The back of my hands looked like someone had beaten me with fifteen pink lipsticks.
Finally I gave up on the purse idea, and went home to get ready for a Halloween party. Incidentally, I took a shower, shaved, blow dried my hair, unpainted and then re-painted my toe nails, put on false eyelashes, put on makeup, curled my hair, and got dressed in one hour and twenty minutes.
Saturday I made two more trips to Best Buy, another trip to Target, and bought gas.
Sunday I again went to Target, Best Buy, and my parent's house.
I really do like to run errands, especially if I get to buy stuff. The only problem is that I buy stuff, and thus have no money. It's a viscous cycle.
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