Sunday, November 05, 2006

Oh alcohol, why are you so cruel to me?

I sprained my ankle Halloween night. I was wearing my beautiful shoes (which did not FEEL beautiful) and I think we were walking somewhere and the curb moved underneath my foot. Flash forward to me sitting on the ground wondering what the hell happened. I decided to kill the pain with alcohol which led to me not only missing work the next day, but also unable to move off of the couch.

Now that Halloween is over, all the stores are putting out their Christmas stuff. I love Christmas. Let me say that again...I LOVE CHRISTMAS. I love the feelings, the smells, the buying stuff, the twinkly lights, the decorations, the cold weather, the gifts, the music, the smiles, the hot chocolate, the food, and did I mention the decorations? For the past three or four years I have taken the day after Thanksgiving as my day to decorate. I have a routine now: I clean every square inch of wherever I am living, then I decorate with all of the Christmas decorations I possess. Then I go out and buy more, and decorate some more. I crank up the Christmas music, or put on a Christmas movie (my favorite is White Christmas), bake something that smells good, and have a blast. It is one of the best days in the entire year. Then that night Erin and I go out and have our annual "Day After Thanksgiving" party. This year will be our third annual, and it is way fun mostly because we usually have the bar to ourselves. Anyway, the Friday after Thanksgiving usually holds some good times, and I hope this year will be no exception.


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