Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ach! Blogging! I forgot!

I always think of the best things to write about just as I'm drifting off to sleep...12 hours later and I've forgotten everything about it except that I had a great thing to post about. I should take a tape recorder to bed with me so I can remember my ideas without having to actually get up and type them up. Because that is so hard. Basically, typing on a keyboard is the same as lifting a bus. I can do both.

I'm also really pissed about the fall schedule of class. A) everyone I know is graduation so I will have no fun people in my classes and B) there is only ONE class I want to do. All the rest suck, or I have already taken them. I emailed one of my professors to see if I could do an independent study thing. I've never heard of anyone doing that but I don't think it would be that difficult. I hope. I want to continue to take children's lit classes, but I can't take the exact same class that I did a year ago. Hmph.

One last thing - if I ever have to read Beloved for a class again I am going to shoot a hole through the middle of the book. This stupid book has been taught in four, count them FOUR of my college/grad school classes. And two of the classes next semester are reading Beloved. Jesus Louise people. Let's find something else to read, shall we?



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