5 Things You Do Not Know About Me:
I am addicted to chapstick. Well, technically Burt's Bees Wax, but same thing. Only Burt's doesn't have petroleum so it is not supposed to be addicting but it is. I have little tubes stashed all over the place - in my purse, next to my bed, in the living room, in my office. If you ever catch me without my little yellow Burt's, then I guarantee I will be looking for one and my lips will hurt. In fact, just thinking about that made my lips hurt, so I had to put on some "lip balm," which I just noticed is what it is technically called.
- I don't use cups. Seriously, I have two sets of glasses and lots of mugs and stuff, but at home I only use Nalgene bottles. I have four or five, and I always have a few in the refrigerator full of water. This may actually be a separate thing, but I also cannot stand the taste of filtered or bottled water. Plain old tap water for me, preferably chilled in the refrigerator. I am not a fan of ice.
- A few people know this one, but not many so I will share it. It's my list, I can do what I want. I am kind of obsessed with musicals. I mean, I don't dream in vivid colors, dancing with a gay leading man singing about our love, but I do listen to certain shows over and over and over...In fact, I think if anyone in my family hears my road trip musical one more time they may actually disown me. But the truth is, I have lots of musicals on cd. And by lots, I mean the ratios of musicals to other cds is a little ridiculous. I do have dreams that someone will fly me to NYC every year so that I can see every show on Broadway. True fact.
- I am not a very good speller. In fact, I'm really not too sure about the whole grammar thing all together. This is something I work very hard to hide because I'm kind of in grad school. For English. And my BA? Kind of in English. So shhh, don't tell anyone but I have NO IDEA what the hell a comma splice is, or a dangling modifier, or a split infinitive...You get the picture. (Thank God for spell check, because writing that sentence I totally misspelled "modifier" and early I had no idea how to spell "truly." I know, right?)
- And for the big finish, something really, truly, and deeply secret. You know how most people complain about going to sleep alone at night? Well, I love coming home alone. I love having the place to myself to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I can wait to eat dinner until 8:30pm, I can watch tv all night without feeling guilty, I can leave all the dishes out on the counter and not have anyone be upset at me. I go to bed whenever I want, and I usually sleep pretty well - you know, unless I either a) have a paper to write or b) someone I know is sick. I know you're asking yourself where the hell the secret part is, but I'm getting there. So, I like being by myself at night, and I really do like doing my own thing most of the time. But, the part I don't like? The really, really sucky part about living alone? There is no one there when I wake up. No one to snuggle with, no one to rehash the drunken events of the night before, no one to go out and get me breakfast, no one to talk about the upcoming day with, no one to convince me to go ahead and buy a coffee maker already so that I learn to drink real coffee and not the sugary-milk-flavored coffee that costs $4.
I may do another edition of this, especially if I get brave, but until then this is what you get to learn about me internet. Hope you like it!
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