Last night I went shopping. This morning, I attended a financial health seminar. Coincidence? Yes and no; ironically, both were scheduled right around the first of month.
I only buy clothes once every six months or so, and when I do I tend to go a little crazy. It's like I forgot that I had the option of buying new clothes for so long that when I suddenly remember I get a little high from the glorious pleasure of buying new clothes that don't have stains/holes on them. I tend to not watch what I'm doing when I'm eating and often fling fork fulls of food onto my shirt, and then forget all about it when doing laundry - that results in a stain that will never come out, no matter how many times I keep trying to rewash it. I also tend to not notice when my clothes have holes in them. I think that if I like an item of clothing it should last forever. I'll never understand why my t-shirts from 8th grade keep getting holes in them. My second favorite t-shirt was free from Bank of America my freshman year of college; it has so many holes in the sleeves that they are basically falling off. But I love that damn shirt, and have decided to call it "ventilation" instead of "trashy." My parents, who on occasion wear matching red fedoras, refuse to be seen with me when I am wearing that shirt. Maybe that should tell me something. (By the way, in case you were wondering, my favorite t-shirt is a Blue October shirt that says "To kill a young man's point of view is to kill his only friend" on the back. My dad likes that shirt.)
Back to my point - I went shopping last night and spent too much money. I think I got my money's worth though; I got four skirts, two shirts, a dress, and three pairs of shoes. And no, I'm not telling you how much I spent. I'm not telling myself how much I spent. Most of it is much more appropriate for work, as in the past I have worn jeans, a polo shirt, and sneakers five days a week.
And then this morning I got to learn all about debt, credit scores, and budgets (or "spending plans"). I'm pretty sure blowing a bunch of money in one night is not on the "spending plan." Oh well.
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