Welcome Back.
I could make some kind of snotty remark about not remembering what a blog is, but I think I'll skip that this time. I do remember what a blog is, and I occasionally remember that I have one. I've been reading lots of blogs, but as for writing...
Kids, school this semester has killed me. Okay, as I'm clearly not dead let's say that school kicked me in the throat with a high heeled boot then took out my kneecaps with a candlestick. There was lots of reading, lots of writing papers, lots of paper presentations, and a big-ass scary test. I have still have two take home-finals and a paper to revise, but it feels like I am running downhill now. Or I can see the finish line. Or the end is in sight. Or whatever cliche you would like to use.
As you can probably tell by my lack of posting on here, I've spent the semester withdrawing further and further from the world. I don't go out, I don't really call people, I don't email for fun...I apparently think that completely isolating myself will help me to concentrate. It is probably for the best, because I've also been incredible cranky. Papers and deadlines make me very grumpy, and I've had a lot of those this semester. So, dear blog, you should feel lucky that I haven't been grumping on you for the last several months.
Here's to a new stage in my life - a break from school and reintroduction into my life. I really need to work on my writing skills, and this is a great place for me to do that.
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