Thursday, November 09, 2006

If this page doesn't look different, you should refresh your brain.

I just spent about an hour messing with the format of this page, so it should look quite different. I really don't know much about HTML (or CSS? What is the difference?), but I managed to add a profile picture, change the template of the entire blog, and widen the columns so that everything wasn't all squished. Yeah me!

In other news, I have class tonight and I keep forgetting! It is coming up on paper season, during which I sever all connections with the outside world and tie myself, sweating and bleeding, to the computer. However, this semester I only have two papers to write which makes me want to do a really good job on both of them. I also do not have a laptop, and that means that I can't take off and go wherever I want to - mostly the library. I pretty much need to be where there are no televisions and I have no internet connection, because I am REALLY good at distracting myself. Some may call it procrastination, but I call it my hobby. The hobby I should receive a medal for...or least a Nobel prize or something. I am really good at wasting time, people. During this time of year I usually a) post A LOT about everything and nothing in an attempt to avoid actually writing a paper, or b) don't post anything. So now you know.

In honor of my old, recently deceased laptop:

RIP, laptop. RIP.

Oh, and also, that is Ghost. Helping me write by batting at my hands as I type. You see why I get distracted? Don't you just want to bury your face in his tummy?


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