Movies that I have seen 6,000 times and could watch another 6,000 times
(Also known as my version of cinematherapy; I wrote the bulk of this post during Spring Break but it has taken me awhile to do all of the pictures and links.)
Bridget Jones' Diary

Preferably the first one, but the second one will do in a pinch. I can recite this movie line-by line. Literally.
Chasing Liberty

I love Mandy Moore, and that guy's British accent kills me. Plus, Jeremy Piven is hilarious.
The Chronicles of Riddick
For when I feel like kicking a little ass. Or looking at a REALLY well-built man. Mmmm.

The movie of my adolescence. Such a great movie, especially the little monologues. AND, it is based on Jane Austen, hello!

Another movie for when I feel like kicking ass. While some may say this is not the best movie ever, I love it. And to those people that say this is not a good movie, I say: Please bitch, you only wish you could wear red lingerie and swing around those knife things.

Again, Jane Austen, yay! Although I choose Children's Lit as my focus in grad school, I could have also gone with Victorian Lit. Jane Eyre would be on this list if I found a movie version that didn't SUCK ASS. Anyway, this is a great movie.
The Fifth Element

I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I don't even know why, but I just do. My parents think it is strange, but I don't care. I have it on DVD, but every time it comes on tv I can't help but watch it.
Funny Girl

People...people who need people...just kidding. Singing, comedy, and the inability of people to work out their marriages. Love it. I think everyone should have to watch this movie, it is a classic.
Little Women

Ahhhh, I think I have mentioned before, but this movie (and the book) makes me feel safe, and as if the world makes sense. Even if it really doesn't.
Love Actually

The Matchmaker

The Matrix (ONLY the first one)

Such a good movie, I was so sad when they had to fuck it up with the second and third ones. I just pretend that they don't exist.
Meet Joe Black

For when I feel like crying. A very subtle, slow movie; very well done.
My Best Friend's Wedding

This movie is also a classic, especially the music. Rupert Everett cracks me up, as done the scene at the restaurant where they all bust out into song.

I memorized all the words to the songs to this movie LONG before they released the soundtrack on cd. I've seen it THAT many times. A great, great movie - a must for anyone that likes musicals.
Playing By Heart

This used to be my favorite movie of all time, and I still like it although I can't watch it as much as before. An excellent example of story interweaving, and it also has an awesome soundtrack.
Pirates of the Caribbean (ONLY the first one)

Funny, funny stuff, especially the scene on the beach after Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swann get drunk together. "But why is the rum gone?!?!"
Sliding Doors

Another bargain bin discovery, this is a strange, wonderfully weird movie. And by golly, those accents always get me.
The Sound of Music

There is nothing I can say about this movie that hasn't been said before, so I'm not going to explain why I watch it over and over - I simply do.
10 Things I Hate About You

The last year I worked at summer camp, I watched this movie during every single break I had. It is funny, sweet, bitter, literary, and exciting all in one.
13 Going on 30

Aww, this movie is not particularly good, but so cute. I just shrivel up with sweetness when I watch this movie.
The Truth About Cats and Dogs

As mentioned above, this is part of the Janeane Garofalo movie night. This is the better of the two movies, and I also can't help but watch it whenever it comes on tv. The scene when he is taking the girl's photographs, gets caught up taking Uma Thurman's pictures, and forgets all about the other girl kills me.
White Christmas

See my Christmas list of movies.
You've Got Mail


See The Chronicles of Riddick. This movie is much sillier (I mean, really, when does a rebel-turned-USA-spy blow up 15 dozen luxury cars?) but it is fun to watch. Plus, you know, the beautiful man factor.
Labels: links, lists, procrastination
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