Happy New Year! Check out my drunken picture artwork:

We had a wonderful time in downtown San Antonio. Although it turns out that drinking wine, beer, rum & coke, champagne, and eating jello shots makes for one hell of a hangover. And wearing really cute champagne colored high heels to walk around downtown was not the best idea. I felt bad for all those with me for all my complaining, but DAMN my feet hurt. Even 48 hours later my feet still hurt. It is not totally my fault as I did not know that our driver's idea of a good parking place was somewhere free within 5 miles of our destination.
Anyway, we heard a really cool salsa band, I taught Erin a dance move, we wore the above "Happy New Year" headbands which flashed periodically, met some random people (including the cutest little boy that would not stop staring at Erin), participated in a very large televised countdown to midnight, saw another band in a famous bar (I believe it was a Cajun band), drank some over-priced alcohol and all in all had a really fun time. I also discovered that I really like my hair straight, although I used Erin's Chi which might be why it actually looked good. Oh, and I LOVE wearing false eyelashes - I have a pair of glow-in-the-dark eyelashes that I have never worn. I can't quite figure out when would be the best time for them to make their appearance.
Side note: I've never actually seen an episode of Beauty and the Geek (I'm not a big fan of reality tv), but I am psyched that they are using Bowling for Soup in their ads. I really dig them - A Hangover You Don't Deserve is our official road trip cd, and their new cd The Great Burrito Extortion Case is awesome. They are the happiest rock band ever.
I have to go back to work tomorrow. I haven't been to work for almost three weeks, and it has been sooooo nice. I can't remember the last time I had such a long (paid) vacation, and I've actually accomplished many of the things I wanted to. I've read three books, watched a lot of movies, cleaned up my DVR, cleaned my apartment, caught up on paperwork (both mine and my parent's), hung out with friends and family, and did laundry. I am refusing to take down my Christmas decorations, though - I am going to wait until next weekend. I did vacuum, and am currently giving myself a pat on the back for that!
Posting should be more regular now that I am returning to my routine. Come to think of it, everything should be more regular now, including my sleep schedule. I am normally getting ready to go to sleep around 10:30-11pm and wake up at 6:30am; lately I have been going to bed at 1 or 2am and waking up at 11am. Whoops. Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful New Year's Eve and are currently hard at work on your New Year's Resolutions.
(In case you didn't notice, I have refrained from posting the oh-so-prosaic "Top 10 List" or "My New Year's Resolutions". That might be because I haven't made any lists or resolutions, but still. I should get originality points.)
P.S. My New Year's Resolution is to brush my teeth EVERY NIGHT before going to bed. I'm really good at the morning thing, but I tend to fall into bed at night without worrying about silly things like brushing my teeth...no, I'm much more concerned with bigger worries, like why the cat refuses to sleep anywhere except on my arm.
P.P.S. Okay, I cracked. I guess my resolutions should not include keeping one's promises.
Labels: memories
Hey hey now!!! You didnt give any credit to the original creater of the idea!!!!!!!!!
What idea?
The crown in the cups idea :)
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