Random Thoughts for the Day:
- Free food is always the best food. Especially when it comes with free mud pie and ice cream.
- I just bought this online for $.99, plus shipping. That's $3.58 total, to hear Madonna and Antonio Banderas sing. Together. And because I am too cool, I will admit that I actually own this already and am having to buy a replacement copy because mine is too scratched. I almost bought a replacement of this, but I refuse to spend $20+ for a used cd. I wonder why Miss Saigon has held onto its value more than Madonna?
- I need to save my $$$ for the upcoming weekend of debauchery, which may include getting hammered with a mom and my sister, getting stupidly (but annually) drunk in an empty bar, pulling a Martha Stewart on my apartment's ass, repeatedly hitting my forehead on a keyboard until it starts to bleed so that my papers will write themselves, wishing that I was Lorelai Gilmore so that I could have great hair and Luke would pour me coffee, and listening to my favorite band.
- I hope that this weekend I do not a) get arrested, b) throw up on the side of road, or c) forget that I have two papers due next week. All of which are very possible.
- Watching How I Met Your Mother, The Class, and Studio 60 makes a GREAT Monday evening.
- Watching Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, and two episodes of Dead Like Me makes a FANTASTIC Tuesday evening (which I am looking forward to).
- Taking stuff off of my To-Do list, even at work, feels like a monumental accomplishment.
- I am really excited about decorating my office for Christmas tomorrow. Is that sad?
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