Texas Single Girl
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Jesus, I'm glad I got such a big desk...little did I know that I would actually be only able to use the middle part of it because each cat has to have a place on the desk while I am working. Seriously, if they don't EACH have a bed on the desk they wandering around crying and crying and crying.
So now all of my papers and books are squished all around the laptop while Ghost is on my right and Ollie is on the left. The things I do for these guys.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Shopping is bad for your health. But good for the economy!
Okay, I know that Old Navy sells cheap clothing. I can't tell you how many shirts I've sent to Goodwill because they have shrunk, or the hem has fallen apart, or there is a hole in the arm pit. I know this. But I can't resist the plethora of cute shirts for under $10, especially when I am going to be traveling and need new clothes.
(What's that? You don't buy new clothes to go traveling? That's silly, it is one of my favorite reasons to buy stuff...that, and, "But I WANT it!")
And then, when I saw the huge sign at the front of the store that said "60% off of EVERYTHING," I kind of lost my head. I spent way more than I had budgeted for, but for $70 I got 14 shirts and 1 zip up sweatshirt. 14 shirts! That's like $4 a shirt! And, I can wear a new shirt everyday for two weeks! Actually, a lot of them are for layering so I won't really do that, but it an exciting thought.
Will I be the best dressed person in the poor house? Absolutely. Although, it had better be a pretty short stay in the poor house, because these shirts don't last forever.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The perfect look
I do not understand the women that are able to dress professionally every day. Luckily my office is fairly (okay, very) relaxed about such things, because I have worn jeans, tennis shoes, and a polo shirt to work more times than I can count.
Today, I attempted to look nice - or wear something other than jeans. I managed to wake up at 6:50am, which is better than the 7:40am of the previous morning. I took a shower, shaved my legs, blow dried and then straightened my hair. (I hate straightening my hair in the morning because it gets so FREAKING HOT in the bathroom. I have to take breaks to go sit in front of the fan. Seriously hot.) Then I got dressed in a skirt, button down shirt, and slide-on heels.
That's it. That's all I did, and I managed to be 30 MINUTES late for work. I put my makeup on sitting at my desk, and completely forgot to put on any jewelry. I suck. How do other women do it? Men, I don't care about...they shave, throw on a suit, and run out the door. NOT THE SAME. How do women shower, shave, moisturize, do their hair (anywhere from blow drying to straightening to curling to fixing in a complicated hair style that would look like a 2 year old attempted it on my head. I hate my hair!), put on make up, get dressed (including panty hose, YUCK!), pick out shoes, accessorize (jewelry, purse, etc.) and then make it to work on time?
Sigh. I need more coffee just thinking about all of this.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Random Thoughts, Version....oh fuck it, I don't know.
- As you maybe could tell by my previous post, my head hurts. It has been hurting on and off (mostly on) since last Monday. I can't figure out what is causing it, and although it hasn't been as bad as it was on Labor Day (when I thought I was going to die), I would really like for it to stop. I'm thinking I should either give up caffeine or get a new bed. I'm also thinking that I will keep drinking caffeine and maybe sleep on the couch to see if that helps. Although next door neighbor would have to cooperate by TURNING THE GODDAMN RADIO OFF.
- Wow, I'm cranky. I really really need a break...I haven't taken a vacation since Spring Break and I would really like to not to have to come to work for a week. I could actually, I don't know, catch up with school stuff and get ready for my area exam.
- I am still sad about the death of a cat I knew for three weeks. No, I don't get attached to animals easily, why do you ask?
- I think I have some kind of rash under my arms.
- The conference I am going to in November has ALREADY cost me $1020. Jesus, I didn't realize it was that much...$420 airplane ticket, $500 hotel, $80 conference registration and special meals, and $20 to join the conference. I still have to pay for the majority of my meals while I am there, transportation to and from the airport, and anything extra I decide to do. This sure as hell better look damn good on my vitae. $1020 worth of good, actually.
- I have definitely spent more money on my cat's health in the last year than on mine.
- Chicago is coming up, and while I am pretty excited I am also nervous about missing that much study time. When I went to San Francisco two years ago I didn't realize how behind I would get. Also, a two day driving trip with my parents could go very very badly.
- I taught Ollie (my cat) how to sit. He picked it up in a day and thought that if he followed me around and sat down next to me that he would get a treat. I'm the boss, dude, not you!
- I read in my Entertainment Weekly magazine the other day that Christian Bale hated doing Newsies, especially the singing parts. Man, I still love you, but that movie rocks. I could (and have, probably) listen to that soundtrack every day and not be sick of it.
- Some people on the internet crack me up. Probably the top three people I would love to meet are Holly, Sarah, and Jimbo. All great writers with that quick wit thing that I can never do. I'm that person standing there awkwardly going "Um....yeah...so, that was fun!" Plus they have all traveled to awesome places that I plan to go someday.
- I figured out last week that perhaps the reason I love watching The Office so much is because Michael Scott reminds me of my boss. I won't elaborate here (don't want to get dooced!), but if you have seen the show you know what I am talking about. Oh, and I also love the theme song.
- I would give all the money in my back account to be able to go home and take a nap right now.
Labels: random
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
It is a very sad day in the world.

By CARA RUBINSKY, Associated Press Writer 52 minutes ago
HARTFORD, Conn. - Author Madeleine L'Engle, whose novel "A Wrinkle in Time" has been enjoyed by generations of schoolchildren and adults since the 1960s, has died, her publicist said Friday. She was 88.
L'Engle died Thursday at a nursing home in Litchfield of natural causes, according to Jennifer Doerr, publicity manager for publisher Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
The Newbery Medal winner wrote more than 60 books, including fantasies, poetry and memoirs, often highlighting spiritual themes and her Christian faith.
Although L'Engle was often labeled a children's author, she disliked that classification. In a 1993 Associated Press interview, she said she did not write down to children.
"In my dreams, I never have an age," she said. "I never write for any age group in mind. When people do, they tend to be tolerant and condescending and they don't write as well as they can write.
"When you underestimate your audience, you're cutting yourself off from your best work."
"A Wrinkle in Time" — which L'Engle said was rejected repeatedly before it found a publisher in 1962 — won the American Library Association's 1963 Newbery Medal for best American children's book. Her "A Ring of Endless Light" was a Newbery Honor Book, or medal runner-up, in 1981.
In 2004, President Bush awarded her a National Humanities Medal.
"Wrinkle" tells the story of adolescent Meg Murry, her genius little brother Charles Wallace, and their battle against evil as they search across the universe for their missing father, a scientist.
L'Engle followed it up with further adventures of the Murry children, including "A Wind in the Door," 1973; "A Swiftly Tilting Planet," 1978, which won an American Book Award; and "Many Waters," 1986.
Associated Press writers Polly Anderson in New York and John Christoffersen in New Haven contributed to this report.
------------------------------------------------------Madeleine L'Engle was one of my very favorite authors, ever.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Oh, hello blog. Nice to see you, I think it has been awhile.
I had a migraine today. At least, I'm pretty sure it was a migraine. It lasted from mid-morning until about 8pm. I spent several hours on the floor of the bathroom, either leaning over the toilet or crying into the bathmat.
As a result, I didn't get done all of the stuff that I planned to do today.