Thursday, June 28, 2007

Cause and Effect

Because it appears that Texas is going to float away with all of the rain, these are being shipped to my house:

I hope they arrive before the ark does.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

5 Second Movie Reviews

  • The Office, Season 1 - Really liked it.
  • The Office, Season 2 - LOVED it. I have died laughing at least once each episode.
  • Children of Men - not for me. Too much war, not enough Clive Owen without his shirt.
  • Pan's Labyrinth - interesting, but too much violence again.

In summary: my next movies are all going to be comedies with happy endings. I've had enough violence and depression for awhile.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I just finished reading the comments on another blog, and every single person responded with one of two answers - either "I have totally been there, I feel your pain" or "Don't worry, honey! I know the right person is just around the corner!" Other variations include "I had to wait a long time for the perfect man, but then I found him!" or "I've got a great guy, and I know that someday you will too."

I'm getting really tired of being assured that things will work out for me because they worked out for someone else. It strikes me as incredibly naive to think that there is one person out there for everyone. My belief in soulmates is limited to movies and books - I don't think that "my other half" is out there waiting for me to bump into him. I do think that someday I might meet the person I am going to marry, but if I don' life won't end. I won't spend the rest of my existence walking around, being only half of a person. I am a whole person right now. I don't want to be completed, and I don't want to have to complete anyone else.

Yes, I would like to have a partner - someone to work and play with, someone to share the same memories and stories with me. I suppose that is why I am so picky, and scared of being in a relationship. I'm afraid of being too caught up, or of losing who I am to someone else. I like who I am, and although I am willing to change with someone else, I'm not willing to change for them. And I don't expect someone else to change for me. I don't want to date someone that I can't see a future with, but I am also scared to start down that road when/if I do find someone.

If the perfect man is waiting just around the corner for me, I will probably walk right on by because I have no interest in perfection. Nor am I, in any way, perfect. I think I am over the stage in my life of sitting in a bar desperately hoping that the right guy will come in and notice me. It's not going to happen, and I want to quit putting my life on hold hoping that it does. I have plans, and although I don't really have everything figured out for my life, I know that I need to do a few things that don't include settling down, having kids, and working at a job that doesn't challenge me.

I'm glad that it worked out for you, but it may not for me. I'm learning to be okay with that, and I wish the rest of the world would try to do the same.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Here's to the ladies who lunch...

The newest additions to my consumerist lifestyle include:
  • Netflix!! (I'm on the three DVDs at a time plan, so waiting in my mailbox at home are The Office, season 1, Children of Men, and Pan's Labyrinth)
  • Company (the latest Broadway soundtrack)
  • Company (the DVD of the original Broadway cast recording the soundtrack)
  • My beautiful new couch, courtesy of Pottery Barn and my parents (that is not my living room, but it the style of my new couch, called....The Pearce couch!!)

I've also watched Raul Esparza's performance of "Being Alive" from the Tony Awards about 300 times. A-MA-ZING. I get chills every time. Click here to watch him perform.

Camp went well, the conference went well, I'm house/pet-sitting next week...not much else is happening.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

To cheer you up after my long absence!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

I think I have lost the ability to write in paragraphs.

I took my big scary test today.

I got a raise, pretty much out of the clear blue sky.

Camp starts Monday.

I'm flipping back and forth between Never Been Kissed and Office Space.

I got a new couch. It is beautiful but didn't fit in through the front door.

I love my kitties.


Friday, June 01, 2007

I woke up this morning feeling good. I had energy, I bought lots of caffiene before work, and I came in ready to go.

I then spent the rest of the day struggling to keep from throwing my hands up and running screaming out the door.

It was a crappy crappy crappy day full of the things I hate, like power struggles and emotional conflicts.