Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My Facebook status message says:

"Beth is feeling her head explode trying to get ready for math camp, the general exam, and the ChLA conference."

And that is pretty much all I have to say.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Hmmm...maybe I should just not have cable anymore

  • Drive...two episodes and gone.
  • The Class...one season and gone.
  • Gilmore Girls - gone.
  • Veronica Mars - gone.
  • Now the only things I really like watching are Ugly Betty, Bones, and How I Met Your Mother. All of which I can watch online. True, I do also watch Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, Scrubs, and Gray's Anatomy, but I can do without those.

So what do you think internet? Should I get rid of my cable, or give the new television another chance in the fall?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Random Thoughts, Version 2.0 (with rather more links that I expected)

  • Sometimes I get into the really morose/melancholy moods. I become convinced that everyone I know is going to die, or that I will lose my job, or that something really bad will happen to someone I know - so I sit around thinking about all the bad things that could happen to prepare myself. Tonight is one of those nights.
  • Whenever I read my Bloglines, I open each blog into a new tab so that I can read it in context. And sometimes to mix it up, I read from the last one to the first one. Also, while reading, I highlight text as I go along so that I can keep track of where I am reading. I do not do this in books.
  • Gilmore Girls ended tonight. I didn't realize how much I loved that show until they ended it PERFECTLY. The series romance is settled, but they didn't make it too gushy, and Rory is able to pursue her career without being saddled with a boyfriend. Although it may not have the longevity of Little Women, it will be right below it in my heart. Such a good show, about good people, with only a few falters. Although I like to think I would love more episodes, I think it is true that it is better to go out on the top rather than staying around too long (*cough* Friends *cough*).
  • Work is CRAZY right now. I don't want to get "dooced," so I will just say that we are coming into the busiest month of my life and I feel like someone enrolled me in a marathon sprint without telling me. I literally thought my head was going to explode this morning with trying to keep track of everything I needed to do. This brings me to my next thought.
  • I may not be around as much for the next month or so. The two weeks of hell starts in June. but the ramp leading up to it is getting steeper and steeper. And then I get to leave in the middle of everything to go to Virginia to give a paper discussing a book in front of two of my professors and the AUTHOR OF THE DAMN BOOK I WROTE ABOUT. Swell.
  • Who knew Fergie could actually sing? And hey, Jess from Gilmore Girls, remember your roots boy now that you're all hot stuff, making out with Fergie and having a new show and all. And by hot, I mean...hot.
  • I want this.
  • I've been reading a lot lately, and in a week or two I'm going to call the cable company to barter a deal. A deal you say? With the cable company? Yes. I'm going to see if I continue to pay them $7 a month for an equipment fee if I can keep my DVR for the summer but cancel my cable. I'll get it back in August/September, but I don't want it for the summer. I want to make better use of my time than sitting and watching useless shows or repeats of shows I've already seen. I'm not some crazy hipster, though, I still have my movies. And the cable is coming back.
  • When I was younger, the best part of my day was the time right before bed. I would lay in bed and dream of all the romantic, lovely, and exciting things that would happen to me in the future. Somewhere around the time I moved back home from my first year of college, that ended. Now I try to distract myself as much as possible before going to bed, so I don't have to worry, plan, and feel guilty about my day, the past, and what is inevitably coming up. I miss looking forward to things and not dreading them. I miss being friendly with the dark. And I miss wondering if someone else was thinking about me before they were going to sleep.

Good night, internet. Sweet dreams for us all.

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Friday, May 11, 2007


Hi there.

Sorry I've not been around, work has been crazy busy lately and the summer is coming faster than a freight train. I also have a bunch of school stuff/reading that I should be doing, including studying for two really huge tests and rewriting two papers for conferences.

This weekend my plans are as follows:
  • Tonight: hitting up Target to get my b&w pictures printed, then to the library for some reading
  • Tomorrow: sleeping in, washing the van and taking pictures of it to show to a potential buyer, then hanging out pool side with Erin. The evening will be rounded out by a cd-burning party.
  • Sunday: church, lunch, maybe seeing a movie, working on school stuff, reading

Oh, and also, Dell is taking a mother-fucking long time to order a simple monitor and speakers. Jeeze louise. I've been on hold for about 20 minutes already.

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Bridget: "Wait a minute. Nice boys don't kiss like that."
Mark: "Oh yes they fucking do."

The desk in my bedroom is arranged so that when I am looking at the computer screen, it completely blocks my view of the television. This is mostly a good thing (especially when writing papers), but other times it is frustrating (like when I just want to play on the internet or with iTunes and I can't see the damn tv).

Right now, though, I am watching a movie that I could watch either a) with the sound off or b) with no view of the tv at all and be just fine. I have seen this particular movie so many times that I really don't need both sound AND visual - I know exactly what is happening every second of the movie. I could recite the movie along with the soundtrack, or tell a blind person what is happening in every scene without looking.

Bridget Jones, I heart you.

And Mark Darcy....call me. I'm waiting.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Do you know Target?

Target is the devil.

Or whatever circle of hell has those who spend too much money on things that they suddenly discovered that they really needed. Like I knew that I wanted some shoes, so I looked through all the shoes. I found some that were too tall, and some that were too ugly, but then I found these:

And then, when I was walking along I suddenly realized that I need towels. I really really need towels, because I only have one set that matches the rest of the stuff in my bathroom. After looking around and feeling lots of towels, I found a set that was both the right color and nice a squishy.

These are pretty much the towels I found, except mine have a pretty scroll pattern where these have stripes. I think mine are prettier. Anyway, just as I was walking towards the cash registers, I realized that I am tired of all the artwork I have in my apartment. I've had the same posters since 7th grade (well, most of them) and I want to change it up. Make everything a little more mature. And since I've been having fun the last year or so taking pictures I thought it would be fun to print out some of my pictures in black and white and frame them in nice black frames. Pretty, more grown up, and something I actually created. The frame I got at Target looks something like this:

Except that it is much longer, and with five places for pictures. And it was only $12.

And now, after I pour myself another cup of coffee, I am going to clean my apartment from top to bottom. It is kind of pathetic how excited I am about cleaning my apartment. My co-worker recommended using vingear to get rid of the flaky stuff left behind from water (like in the kitty's water bowl and the bottom of the sink). And, I want to take down all of my wall decorations and look through the stuff on Flickr. I may do that at the office, because making photos into black and white is MUCH simplier in iPhoto.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hello world, this is my quick update.

I have finished writing my papers!

I have a bajillion things to do at work.

I just went shopping and bought nothing.

I'm very sad that this is the last season of Gilmore Girls.

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