Friday, December 29, 2006

Times when it is fabulous to live by yourself:
  • You can eat all the leftover Christmas desserts all by yourself.
  • You can do nothing for three days but read, watch tv, and sleep without having to talk to another person unless you choose to answer the phone.
  • You can drink an entire pot of coffee by yourself, and then have a Diet Coke.
Times when it really really REALLY sucks to live by yourself:
  • You sit around for three days doing nothing but reading, watching tv, eating all the leftover Christmas desserts and getting hopped up on too much caffeine.
  • When you discover a roach the SIZE OF A SMALL MAMMAL sitting in the middle of your kitchen. I don't know how it got there, or why, because I am a clean person people. Seriously clean. Some have accused me of being OCD clean. And I'm not one to be afraid of insects, I have no problem carrying spiders outside to live on their own. It's just the ones that are BIG ENOUGH TO CHEW ON MY EAR that I have a problem with. It would just be nice if there were someone else around to take out the ginormous bugs every once in awhile.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Some thoughts:

  • My cats' favorite Christmas present is the convertible cat bed/cat house. One or the other of them have been sleeping in the damn thing since I brought it home Monday night.
  • I wrote awhile ago about my current favorite tv shows. I neglected to mention that my favorite tv show of all time is Friends. I have all 10 seasons on DVD (collected over several years) and I've watched all of them multiple times. My favorite episode is the second one at the beach, and I have memorized the speech where Ross and Rachel break up for the second time. Anyway, my point is, I have Friends Trivia and Friends SceneIt and no one will play with me. So if you think you can take me, please let me know!
  • After watching VH1's Top 40 Videos of 2006, I have decided: James Blunt is extremely annoying, Hinder is for juveniles, and the Dixie Chicks video should have been #1. (And I know this will destroy my street cred, but I really like the Pussycat Doll's "Buttons." See: Florida Road Trip.)
  • I've read two books and I have at least four more that I want to read. And two computer games to play. And four movies to watch. I don't think this vacation is going to be long enough.
  • I enjoy My Boys, but it is starting to feel a little bit like an extended commercial. Online dating, Coffeemate,'s like TBS didn't really have enough money to create an original show so they have to include as many products as possible. Very annoying.
  • I really like cleaning my apartment, but I hate vacuuming. It only takes 5 minutes, 10 at the most, and yet I can't make myself do it. I usually get around to it every 3 weeks or so. Ugh.

It turns out that I don't have that many thoughts. Oh, clean hair is great.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

You know what I just realized? While many of my friends got cash, gift certificates, or clothes for Christmas, I got mostly books. And the presents my dad, mom and sister were most excited about? Books. I mean really, is it any wonder that I am an English major?

So I almost died tonight.

There was a COUCH in the MIDDLE of the freeway.

And yes, I realize in internet speak the all caps is shouting, but there was a COUCH IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FREEWAY. And I was literally inches away from smacking my poor little Jetta into it and dying. Which is actually kind of odd, because I was just thinking today about my funeral and wondering if anyone from my old job would come to it.

I've decided that I am going to spend the next two days reading. I'm not going to worry about vacuuming, or spending money, or going through papers, or watching movies - I'm just going to retreat into my reading chair and not emerge for 48 hours.

Although I may post a little. And eat, I'll probably do that. And I should clean the litter box. But, besides those things, I will do nothing but read.

Oh, and I will definitely avoid couches on the freeway.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

I hope you and your loved ones have a very Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

It is no longer my birthday.

I am sitting in my living room with the window open, alternating watching Clueless and Desperately Seeking Susan. These are both EXCELLENT movies to watch when you have had two cosmos and one appletini. Clueless was the the Bible of my middle school years, and although I discovered the joy of Madonna, Rosanna Arquette and the beautiful Aidan Quinn late in life, it has not lessened my love for their movie.

I had a good Sex and the City birthday.

And, while I'm slightly intoxicated, I have a secret to tell. Dear internet: I have a crush. Shhh, don't tell, okay?

And since I am going to take a friend to have surgery tomorrow and babysit her three month old while she is sedated at 7:45am, I should probably go to bed.


P.S. You notice that even though I am intoxicated, I manage to remember that you should italicize or underline the title of a movie, and not use quotation marks? I should get a damn degree just for that.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

As I sit here watching Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended Edition) I'm thinking the following things:

  • I'm really not a dork; the DVD belongs to my mother who IS a dork. I haven't read the books, and I don't really get the movies. I want to, and I have tried to get into both the movies and the books because it totally sounds like something I would like. I do, however, LOVE the music - it has become some of my favorite study/reading music. I've borrowed all three extended editions from my mom and have decided to watch them during my vacation. I am hoping this will help me understand everything a little better, all those "s" names run together.
  • I saw The Pursuit of Happyness today (and it KILLS me to write "happyness" instead of "happiness"!) It cracks me up how much my jobs effect how I look at the world. Not to give anything away (it was a good movie, you should go see it), but during a scene where the main character is trying to solve a Rubix cube I couldn't help but think about how easily our math camp counselors solve those things. There was also a scene in a daycare, and I started mentally calculating how many kids were in the room and how much square footage they were required to have - they daycare was totally out of compliance, even in Texas. I assume the laws in California are much more strict.
  • Even a family member can surprise me with their reactions to certain things; I don't think I'll ever be able to figure some things out. And this surprise was not a good one.
  • My birthday is tomorrow. I can't believe that I am going to be a quarter of a century old. I hate how everyone gets so introspective around their birthdays and/or the holidays; I think I am too introspective all the time, so I'd rather not think about how my accomplishments measure up to my expectations for life. I'm not really a "goal" person (outside of school), so there are no lists of what I want to do by the time I turn whatever age. There is one glaring thing that stands out every birthday, but...I can never decide if I should just be patient or if I should be doing something. Anyway.
  • I don't care what anyone says, Viggo Mortensen is way hotter than anyone else in this movie. I'm a fan.
  • I should probably put the salmon in the oven, I think it is warm enough now. I don't want it to be halfway cooked like it was last night, but I think 30 minutes of preheating is enough.
  • Getting a new haircut is perhaps one of the very best things about being a girl. It is one of those things that can never be explained, but going to get a haircut feels like such a luxury. P.S. I like the way my haircut turned out. And tomorrow I get to play/style it!
  • I really really really wish my cat would eat normally. Ghost has been sick on and off for the past six months and it is killing both me and my wallet. He is 10, which is not really that old for a cat. Right now he doesn't have a fever and is acting fairly normally, but he doesn't want to eat. I've already taken him to the vet once, and I can't really afford to take him again. Although, if he doesn't eat his breakfast tomorrow I will have to.
  • Why does putting someone in a black cloak that covers their face make them scary? The old evil dead kings in Lord of the Rings (sorry, I don't know their real name) are strikingly similar to the dementors in Harry Potter.
Ooops, my salmon is ready! Maybe after I finish eating I will wrap some presents.

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Sunday, December 17, 2006

I do believe it is possible to create, even without ever writing a word or painting a picture, by simply molding one's inner life. And that too is a deed."
– Etty Hillesum

I just got this in my inspirational quote of the day email. I think I mold my inner life too much, and don't pay enough attention to my outer life. Looking at my outer life, today was a good day. Not so much inside.

Friday, December 15, 2006

I'm officially on vacation!

More later about my eye-cutting-open surgery, but until then check out this video.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Valium ingested

Eyes sliced open

Drama at pharmacy

Very dry eyes

Can see far away!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Great Mac Vs. PC Debate

I'm not really big on arguing about politics (mostly because I've never seen anyone's mind change by screaming at them), but this is an issue that I've been thinking a lot about lately.

If you talked to me at this time last year I would a) have repeatedly told you how much I hated my job and then asked you if you knew of any available positions and b) the word "Mac" would not have come out of my mouth with anything but derision. I was 100% a PC girl, and I thought Macs were for losers who couldn't figure out how to work a regular computer. Basically, I assumed that Macs and AOL went hand in hand.

One year later, I have a new (MUCH better) job, am no longer quizzing people on their job availability, and use four different computers (half of them Macs) on a daily basis. On the first day of my new job I was introduced to a very very fancy Mac, and I regarded with the great fear of the unknown. It sat there on the desk looking very shiny and large, gleaming at me with its different operating system and strange keyboard shortcuts. I begged for a PC, any PC, to use and banished the Mac to back corner of my office. I continued to use the old, junky, and LOUD PC to do anything I could, and only begrudgingly would use the Mac if there was no other choice.

Slowly, I began to realize that having a widescreen monitor was very helpful. I noticed that everything seemed to just go faster on the Mac. I trained my fingers to hit the "Apple" key rather than the "Control" key. I liked the fun little toolbar on the bottom of the screen that seemed to know exactly what I wanted to do. I still used the PC for everything I could, but I was curious about the Mac. I wanted to learn more about it, and I wondered how you changed the settings or fixed it if there were problems.

Then, due to some changes at work, my old PC went away and a lovely iMac now sat on my desk. My primary machine had suddenly become a Mac, and I wasn't sure if I could handle the change. What if I wanted to change the screen saver? How would I organize all my files? What if I wanted a program and couldn't get it on the Mac? But I learned as I worked, and I discovered the absolute joy of being able to have six programs all running at once, and using three of them on the 20" widescreen monitor. I noticed that I hadn't had to restart the iMac because of a program freezing AT ALL. I noticed that everything just seemed to work, with no hassle or problems. I also had a blast playing in Adobe, and gloried in moving and changing images on a grand scale. And most of all, I noticed that everything was just faster than any other computer I'd ever used.

My eyes were opened and I learned not to discriminate against others because of their differences. I have grown to love my iMac, and wouldn't trade it for the world. I also use another Mac at work, and have even been able to run troubleshooting on several Mac laptops. At home, however, I am still a PC girl. I recently purchased a PC laptop, and still have a PC desktop. Quite honestly, I would love to have a Mac laptop (Macbook Pro, be mine?) but they are so much more expensive than my little $400 laptop. I agree that they are worth the price (for the superior screen, processor, and life expectancy) but sometimes you just can't swing the dough. So to break it down (from my exceedingly non-technical/non-official position) here are the pros of the two systems.

  • Extremely fast processor
  • Reliable
  • Really really pretty monitors
  • No viruses
  • Far better performance over time
  • Competitive, if not better, operating system
  • Cheap
  • Can view all content on the internet (if I switch to Explorer from Firefox)
  • Cheap
That's all I've got. I guess you could say that I am a mostly Mac, partly PC girl whose ideals don't match up to her pocketbook.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I know that my favorite tv shows are listed in other places...

but I thought it would be fun to post what I am currently watching. Not as an, I am actually watching this at this very second (How I Met Your Mother, in case you were interested), but what I DVR every week. So here goes.

  • Desperate Housewives
  • - This is not my favorite show ever, but it is mildly entertaining. I can't believe it took me two episodes to realize that Dixie Carter was a guest star.
  • Brothers and Sisters
  • - I am really enjoying this show; I like all of the siblings and Sally Field is awesome. Although, I keep expecting Sloane to do something evil or pull out a Rambaldi device.

  • How I Met Your Mother
  • - I LOVE this show! Barney totally makes the show - "Suit up!"
  • The Class
  • - The first episode was really bad, but it has gotten better. I must confess, I really watch for Richie and cute!
  • Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
  • - My decision to watch this show it based on a few factors: making up to my dad for never watching The West Wing, rooting for the liberal media, and my life-long crush on Matthew Perry.

  • Gilmore Girls
  • - One of the best shows on tv ever. I so want to be Lorelai! I've been re-watching the first three seasons on DVD before I go to bed.
  • Veronica Mars
  • - I'm hard pressed to like the third season of this show as much as the first two, but I'm still watching it. The creator of the show grew up in my hometown, so I gotta give some love to my peeps.
  • My Boys
  • - This show just started, but so far I am digging it. I don't really get all the sports references, but I think that everything will start to gel in a few more episodes.

  • Ugly Betty
  • - This is my favorite new show; it is the first one that I watch on the DVR at the end of the week.
  • Scrubs
  • - An old favorite, Scrubs is currently my "I don't want to think about real life, I'd rather just watch something funny on tv" show.
  • 30 Rock
  • - I'm trying to decide if I want to keep watching this show, and right now I'm leaning towards not. Tina Fey is great and all, but the show is not my kind of humor. I'm not sure if it is anyone's kind of humor.
  • Grey's Anatomy
  • - How could I not watch this show? I thought I was going to have a heart attack during the season finale, and every episode brings more drama. Seriously.

  • Top 20 Countdown on VH1
  • - I started recording this to track Blue October's "Hate Me" video and then got in the habit of having it on while I'm cleaning. I miss Matt Pinfield, this new guy it kind of a tool. In other news, Blue's new video for "Into the Ocean" debuted at #3!

  • Scrubs
  • - See above.

I would like to include graphics for each show, but I am re-learning the little I knew of html coding so you will have to deal with no pretty pictures. Bitch. Looking back over the shows, I realize there is a general trend toward a certain type of will notice that there are no reality shows present on my list, or anything that requires me to look at dead bodies for 90% of the show. I'm not a fan of dead bodies. Or police. I mean, I like police in general, but I really don't want to know how they do their jobs.


Monday, December 11, 2006

School's out for Christmas!

The end of the semester is here, and I have finally finished writing papers. I really like the beginning of the semester when we just read and have an occasional report due. This test and term paper stuff is for the birds.

I had a wonderful weekend of hibernating, including the following activities:
  • cleaning (duh, have you met me?)
  • wrapping presents
  • drinking good things (tea, hot chocolate, coffee, egg nog)
  • watching movies
  • putting up my parent's Christmas tree
  • taking pictures
I realized this weekend that I am constantly preparing myself to answer the question "What are you doing?" I'm not sure why I started doing this, or even when it started happening, but I find myself always thinking up answers to this question. It's like there is a person in my head always wanting to know what I am accomplishing at any given moment. Weird.

I got my first birthday present today! My co-worker gave me this book:

Now all I need is time to read it!

I'm off to run errands and eat lunch. We are still trying to eat the leftovers from the holiday party last week...oh, lots of food!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Learn something new today.

Oh, and I'm done.

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

This rules.

I am at the bottom of page 5 out of 10 - 12. Yeah me.

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Because you all have not had enough lists lately...

(Give me a break, I'm writing papers.)

Things I thought about while attending a grad school final party:
  • I don't like bar-b-que.
  • There are some really nice people in my class.
  • There are some people who will always intimidate me.
  • Jazz music makes me feel classy. I want to sit in a shiny black bar, surrounded by people wearing black berets, drink a cosmopolitan, and just listen.
  • Meeting a professor's significant other is almost always surprising; the same goes for their house.
  • When attending pot luck type meals, I am really there for the dessert.
  • I wish wine didn't make me sleepy, I would like to drink it socially.
  • I'm all for people having their own styles and whatnot, but southwestern has got to go.
  • I want my own study.
  • The girl that talks to everyone all night about being a vegetarian and drinking soy milk and not eating honey is also the girl that goes out and smokes - straight Camels, not even the light ones.
  • I think my grade on my paper was fair, but I was hoping for a higher one.
  • I'm tired and it is time to be away from people now.
One more paper, which I *knocking on lots and lots of wood* will finish (and start) tomorrow.


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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Words that I would like to start using in everyday conversation:

  1. Snogging (MUCH better than "making out")
  2. Dementor (applicable to telemarketers, spam, spybots, etc.)
  3. Spigot (the best word to come out of JKR, with "Vindaloo" coming in a close second)
  4. Bloody (as in, "Bloody hell!")
  5. Smarmy (as in, "Jude Law")
  6. Knackered (What I will be this weekend after I finish writing two papers and getting through our holiday party)

And now I realize that half of these words start with "s" and the other half can be found in Harry Potter books. Hmmm. Also, it is just me, or is Harry getting kind of hot?

In other news, it looks like I might be getting laser eye surgery.

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

I refuse to turn the heat on.

I am wearing socks, slippers, sweatpants, a t-shirt, a long sleeved t-shirt, and a hat.

I look damn sexy.

I am warming myself up by dancing to "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by The Proclaimers. This is now my official "Dancing To Warm Myself Up" song. JKR peeps, you know what I'm talking about. I love this song!

P.S. Lest you think I am abusive, the cats are fast asleep on the electric blanket, which is on high. In fact, they are on top of pillows, on top of the electric blanket, on top of the comforter, on top of the mattress pad, on top of the mattress. Seriously?

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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Is pretending to be brave the same thing as being brave?

Because I'm not sure I can even pretend.

Friday, December 01, 2006

So today I finished paying off my car.

It look something like this (although this is NOT my car, mine is not nearly this shiny):

As I've already been almost killed while driving three times today, I'm wondering: what are the chances that I will get into a wreck today?

My bet is zeventy billion to one.