In Honor of the COLD Weather:
In ascending order, with descriptions, I present my favorite Christmas movies.

This is the classic Christmas movie for most people. I have to admit, I've only seen it one-and-a-half times, but I enjoyed it.

I know that Tim Allen is soo '90s, but these are just silly, goofy movies. Bernard is my favorite.

I sometimes think of this movie more associated with Thanksgiving (because of the whole Macy's parade thing) but it is actually a Christmas movie. I love the little girl in the original version, but I also love the parents in the new version.

Muppets? And singing? And Dickens? Yes please!

You would think with a girlie movie like this I would find it uplifting and happy, but so many moments in this movie break my heart. It is very Christmasy (Christmasie?), but a few scenes in here get a little too close to home.

I have seen this movie approximately 62,304,958,234,598 times and I could still watch it every day. I say the lines along with the characters to practice my English accent. I still suck, but I think I've gotten better. I may be completely different from Bridget (I don't keep a real diary, I don't smoke, I don't fall for unavailable men) but I am definitely that girl who says the exact wrong thing when I want so badly to say exactly the right thing.

Little Women, while not actually a Christmas movie at all, is everything I ever wanted Christmas to be. One of the best memories I have about my mom's parents is all of us going to see this movie when it opened on Christmas Day. Louisa May Alcott's books are part of my childhood, and watching this movie makes me safe, warm, and hopeful. And the professor with the accent? HOT!

I'm sorry for all you doubters out there, but White Christmas IS Christmas. Bing Crosby IS Christmas. Rosemary Clooney IS Christmas. I've sat watching this movie wrapping presents more times than I can count, and I want to clap for joy every time those stage doors open and the snow comes down. If you haven't seen this movie you are missing something really special, and you also probably think I'm crazy every time I sing "Sisters."
Well folks, that's it. I hope you are safe and warm at home in this weather. Me, I have class.