Texas Single Girl
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Are you sick of me yet?
I am aware that this is my 4th post of the day, but a)it's my website and I can do what I want and b)I've been reading blogs all day today it makes me feel bloggy. Is that a word? I'm fairly certain it isn't.
There is a point to this post, I swear. I've decided that tonight I am not going to stay late at work. Nor am I going to go walking. No, tonight I am going to go home, put on my most comfortable pajamas, take my laptop to the bedroom and spend the rest of the evening in bed. I may watch a sappy movie, I may read, but by golly I will be sitting/lying on my bed. I'm tired of this sitting up, walking around, and being awake stuff.
Grrrrr...I hate it when Bloglines is not working correctly, but does not have a message saying so. Picking up posts 48 hours after they have gone online IS NOT WORKING FOR ME. I need entertainment, damnit!
Oh, and how much of a dork am I, that I am so excited for Dooce to get a new house?!
Linky Love
If you are very observant, you have noticed that I have updated my links on the right.
I've been in kind of a lull at work lately, so I've been reading ALL of Fish's archives. Very, very worth reading even if reading them makes you want to knock over a bank, buy a one-way ticket to NYC for myself and the cats, then hire movers to bring the rest of my stuff once I've found a place to live. Well, that was a tangent, and the point is that if you are experiencing a similar lull, you should go read This Fish Needs a Bicycle. Or, just put off everything you are supposed to be doing and go read. 'Cause that's really what I'm doing.
Labels: links, procrastination
I do not understand why the instructions on my underwear says to turn them inside out before washing. Seriously, what is the point? That would be like turning my bra inside out. Or a towel. There ISN'T an inside out!
And also? My underwear is from Sri Lanka. It has traveled more than I have.
Labels: random
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Moving up and onward!
I've moved on from Spring Awakening and have now listened to the Evita soundtrack for two days in a row. A singing Antonio Banderas is hella sexy.
I've also spent the morning making lists, and no I won't post them on here. It might get a little ridiculous (even for me!) to make a list of my lists. Suffice to say that I have a very busy weekend ahead. This is the first weekend in quite a while that I haven't had a birthday/concert/holiday/celebration (i.e. Erin and I went shopping and wanted to wear our new stuff) of some kind to attend. Not that I mind all of those things, I've had a lot of fun, but I need a solid weekend of cleaning, reading, researching, and catching up on sleep.
I'm also trying to be much better about my money stuff. Instead of thinking, "I just got paid, so I can buy a bunch of stuff and then not buy anything for the rest of the month!" I will be thinking, "I don't have much money right now, so I need to focus on saving/paying things off." I'm trying to think of what I want in the future and not what I want this second. I've already frozen my credit card; I literally put it in a jar of water in the freezer. That way it is still there if I absolutely need it, but I will have to think long and hard about using it while it is thawing out. I'm also thinking about canceling my cable this summer. There are no new shows on, and anything I really want to watch I can rent or download from iTunes. I have TONS of movies to watch, and I should be spending most of the summer reading. I have two shelves a books to read, and there are lots more I would like to look into - and I will use the library! I really should sit down and enter some stuff into Microsoft Money/make a budget - maybe that can be something I do tonight or tomorrow night.
Oh, I'm also trying to stop drink soda again. I though if I gave up the regular sodas and just drank diet ones that I was doing good, but then I read this article. Scary much? So I'm going to focus on drinking coffee and LOTS of water. Water is good for me.
Labels: goals
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
How do we keep all our passions alive, as we used to do?
Sometimes even a great hair day and a cute skirt won't lift the funk, and stupid little things get to me. I think that there needs to be MORE PEOPLE here; I need variety and more socialization.
It is nice, though, when you realize that your best friend knows you almost as well as you know yourself. :)
I am ready for a change. I need to shake things up, discover something (or someone) new, rearrange the furniture. It is not the right time yet, but I am getting myself ready to move to a new place...It seems like a ridiculously long time, but in two years I may be living across the country. I have no idea what I will be doing, or where I am going, but I know I want to get there. I think I'm suffocating here, among people that inevitably know my parents, or I went to high school with their daughter, or used to be my teacher. I need new people, new places, new ideas. I'm not the most outgoing person in the world (far, FAR from it), but even I get tired of going to the same places all the time, and having the same experiences.
But, until I finish grad school (Dec. '07), the least at my apartment runs out (May '08), and I save up enough money (???), I am stuck.
Anyone want to come over and help me rearrange furniture this weekend?
Labels: wishes
Monday, March 26, 2007
Lazy Sunday?
I kept thinking that I was going to have to write about what a lazy slob I was yesterday, and then I actually sat down and thought about what I did. And I realized that I actually did accomplish a few things, including:
- Made fettucini alfredo from scratch
- Made queso
- Made coffee
- Made macaroni & cheese (I was trying to make enough food for the week so that I wouldn't have to cook later)
- Did the dishes
- Did ALL of my laundry, including hanging everything up
- Cleaned off my desk
- Searched for my lost staff id & $20 copy card
- Read a book (although it was a small one)
- Watched 2 shows saved on my DVR
- Took my dad to San Antonio
- Told the story of Saturday night three times
- Slept in AND took nap (recovering from previously mentioned Saturday night)
- Put up all of my shoes
- Made the bed
- Clean the litter box (sorry kids, but it must be done)
- Decide upon a paper topic (and write up exactly what it is I will be writing about, including a paper title)
- Make sure that said paper topic does not overlap too much with previous articles written by people who know a lot more than me
- Read a chapter of a very complex book all about cognitive science (don't EVEN get me started), then outline it
- Read perhaps another book for my magical realism class, because I think I read the wrong one
- Sleep
Labels: lists, procrastination, school
Um, did these girls just make an Anne of Green Gables reference? I think they did! I knew I loved them!!!
Labels: links
Saturday, March 24, 2007
I am a planner.
I plan things. Lots of things. Just about everything, some would say.
And I don't like it when my plans don't work out.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Movies that I have seen 6,000 times and could watch another 6,000 times
(Also known as my version of cinematherapy; I wrote the bulk of this post during Spring Break but it has taken me awhile to do all of the pictures and links.)
Bridget Jones' Diary

Preferably the first one, but the second one will do in a pinch. I can recite this movie line-by line. Literally.
Chasing Liberty

I love Mandy Moore, and that guy's British accent kills me. Plus, Jeremy Piven is hilarious.
The Chronicles of Riddick
For when I feel like kicking a little ass. Or looking at a REALLY well-built man. Mmmm.

The movie of my adolescence. Such a great movie, especially the little monologues. AND, it is based on Jane Austen, hello!

Another movie for when I feel like kicking ass. While some may say this is not the best movie ever, I love it. And to those people that say this is not a good movie, I say: Please bitch, you only wish you could wear red lingerie and swing around those knife things.

Again, Jane Austen, yay! Although I choose Children's Lit as my focus in grad school, I could have also gone with Victorian Lit. Jane Eyre would be on this list if I found a movie version that didn't SUCK ASS. Anyway, this is a great movie.
The Fifth Element

I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I don't even know why, but I just do. My parents think it is strange, but I don't care. I have it on DVD, but every time it comes on tv I can't help but watch it.
Funny Girl

People...people who need people...just kidding. Singing, comedy, and the inability of people to work out their marriages. Love it. I think everyone should have to watch this movie, it is a classic.
Little Women

Ahhhh, I think I have mentioned before, but this movie (and the book) makes me feel safe, and as if the world makes sense. Even if it really doesn't.
Love Actually

The Matchmaker

The Matrix (ONLY the first one)

Such a good movie, I was so sad when they had to fuck it up with the second and third ones. I just pretend that they don't exist.
Meet Joe Black

For when I feel like crying. A very subtle, slow movie; very well done.
My Best Friend's Wedding

This movie is also a classic, especially the music. Rupert Everett cracks me up, as done the scene at the restaurant where they all bust out into song.

I memorized all the words to the songs to this movie LONG before they released the soundtrack on cd. I've seen it THAT many times. A great, great movie - a must for anyone that likes musicals.
Playing By Heart

This used to be my favorite movie of all time, and I still like it although I can't watch it as much as before. An excellent example of story interweaving, and it also has an awesome soundtrack.
Pirates of the Caribbean (ONLY the first one)

Funny, funny stuff, especially the scene on the beach after Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swann get drunk together. "But why is the rum gone?!?!"
Sliding Doors

Another bargain bin discovery, this is a strange, wonderfully weird movie. And by golly, those accents always get me.
The Sound of Music

There is nothing I can say about this movie that hasn't been said before, so I'm not going to explain why I watch it over and over - I simply do.
10 Things I Hate About You

The last year I worked at summer camp, I watched this movie during every single break I had. It is funny, sweet, bitter, literary, and exciting all in one.
13 Going on 30

Aww, this movie is not particularly good, but so cute. I just shrivel up with sweetness when I watch this movie.
The Truth About Cats and Dogs

As mentioned above, this is part of the Janeane Garofalo movie night. This is the better of the two movies, and I also can't help but watch it whenever it comes on tv. The scene when he is taking the girl's photographs, gets caught up taking Uma Thurman's pictures, and forgets all about the other girl kills me.
White Christmas

See my Christmas list of movies.
You've Got Mail


See The Chronicles of Riddick. This movie is much sillier (I mean, really, when does a rebel-turned-USA-spy blow up 15 dozen luxury cars?) but it is fun to watch. Plus, you know, the beautiful man factor.
Labels: links, lists, procrastination
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Three Things:
- I no longer have a crush. I've over it. (Side note: have you ever done an image search for "crush"? So random!)
- I am still attracted to guys with beards. No idea why, it does not feel good against my face. Weird.
- I really really want to go shopping. I want new jeans, a new mattress, and a new comforter set (preferably down). I also have $16.59 in my checking account.
I guess that no one has any jokes for me. So I will tell you my favorite (appropriate) joke. I also have a few inappropriate jokes, but I will refrain from using those here.
Here is the joke (and you should imagine that it is told in an English accent, because that is how I heard it the first time):
There are two cows standing in a field. One cow turns to the other and says, "What do you think about this mad cow disease?"
The other cow says, "I'm not a cow, I'm a helicopter!"
Labels: random
I seem to be completely unable to stop listening to the Spring Awakening soundtrack. I've listened to it about 6,000 times and I keep going back to the beginning. Some of my favorite songs are "The Bitch of Living," "My Junk," and "Totally Fucked." I know they sound awful but they really aren't. Good stuff. Now all I need is someone to give me a bunch of money and then I go see it on Broadway.
I am also really excited about the Blue October concert this weekend. My friend and I are going to camp out until the doors open so that we can be at the very front. No one has ever been willing to do this with me. And, my sister is going and she's never been to a Blue show before. Yay!
Labels: music
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Reasons Why I Might Be OCD:
- I HATE those paper clips with little ridges on them. I also don't like ones that are bent too far the wrong way, or are just plain ugly. I throw them away. I like my paper clips smooth, silver, straight, and clean.
- I have been writing with the same type of pen since early in high school. It is a Pilot Precise V5, Extra fine, blue. I love it and will never change.
- It drives me crazy to have clothes on the floor. I do it every once in awhile (usually after a night on the town), but I hate it.
- I am kind of obsessive about my cuticles...I rub lotion into them a lot. I love lotion, such moisturey goodness.
Reasons Why I Might NOT Be OCD:
- There are four windows in my car. Only one (mine) actually opens. I couldn't care less if the rest of them do, which is why they have sticks holding them up instead of me actually paying for them to be fixed.
- I don't clean the litter box, sweep the floors, or vacuum nearly as often as I should.
- I'm not very good a routines. I tend to do something for anywhere from 2 weeks - 3 months, then quit.
- It does not bother me at all to not take a shower every day.
- I haven't washed my car since the summer. Last summer. At least.
Isn't it ironic?
- Why is it that when I wear a simple tank top with a sweater over it that is slightly low cut no man within 2 miles can help staring at my breasts? And yet, when I wear an extremely low cut shirt that shows A LOT of cleavage, the men in bars could care less?
- What is the deal with SUV drivers putting stickers promoting bicycle riding on their bumpers? Seriously!
- Why am completely hopeless at negotiating, but I am able to re-sign my lease (again!) for the same rent? AND get a free carpet shampooing?
Labels: lists
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Ach! Blogging! I forgot!
I always think of the best things to write about just as I'm drifting off to sleep...12 hours later and I've forgotten everything about it except that I had a great thing to post about. I should take a tape recorder to bed with me so I can remember my ideas without having to actually get up and type them up. Because that is so hard. Basically, typing on a keyboard is the same as lifting a bus. I can do both.
I'm also really pissed about the fall schedule of class. A) everyone I know is graduation so I will have no fun people in my classes and B) there is only ONE class I want to do. All the rest suck, or I have already taken them. I emailed one of my professors to see if I could do an independent study thing. I've never heard of anyone doing that but I don't think it would be that difficult. I hope. I want to continue to take children's lit classes, but I can't take the exact same class that I did a year ago. Hmph.
One last thing - if I ever have to read Beloved for a class again I am going to shoot a hole through the middle of the book. This stupid book has been taught in four, count them FOUR of my college/grad school classes. And two of the classes next semester are reading Beloved. Jesus Louise people. Let's find something else to read, shall we?
Labels: school
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I have a bunch of school stuff to do that I should have done during Spring Break, but if you would like you can go look at some pictures. The Spring Break and St. Patrick's Day pictures are the newest.
Back to the routine tomorrow.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Dear Internet,
If you could aid in my quest to become a full-time student with no job I would really appreciate it. This past week has been a wonderful dose of getting enough sleep, cooking my own meals, reading, thinking, watching television, walking, hanging with friends and family, taking pictures, and cleaning. I think I could totally fill my time like this instead of going to a job for 40 hours a week. Plus this whole going to bed when I am tired (usually around midnight - 1am) and waking up when I want to (9-10am) is also fabulous.
So if you could get on that, I would be very grateful.
P.S. Just as an example, it is 5:32pm right now, and instead of being tired from a day of work I have been to the library and the grocery store. Next, I am going to go walking, then come back and make dinner, then maybe watch some tv or do some school reading. See? Good stuff!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The neighbors have their radio on with the bass turned up. It is driving me crazy! It is almost as bad as a ticking clock...but not that bad. I CANNOT STAND a ticking clock. Several times my friends have woken up to find their clock in the refrigerator. It stays quiet in there.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I learned a long time ago that getting really really sweaty and dirty and then taking a shower is one of the best feelings in the world. When I worked at a summer camp, one of my favorites times of the day was walking back to our cabin with my wet hair smelling of shampoo and my skin finally drying from all the sweat and humidity of the day. There are few things that can measure up to an evening at camp - the sun has gone down, the stars and the breeze have come out, and the crickets and cicadas serenade everyone to sleep. The only thing that made it better was to having someone strumming on a guitar, maybe playing "This Pretty Planet" or "The Lone Wild Bird."
Every once in awhile the memory of camp creeps up on me, and I am forced to stop what I am doing and get lost in remembering things. Often times I am surprised by how many things I've forgotten...I don't think I will ever remember all of my campers' names, or my co-counselors, or my junior counselors. Certain sessions, certain activities, even certain people have fallen out of my conscious thought and it makes me sad that I can't remember every second of my time out there. However, there some memories that I will never, ever forget.
I remember my very first counselor. I was a terrified little third grader who had never been away from home that long before, and I loved my counselor. She had long, very curly hair, and her name was Amy. I also remember stubbing my toe on a rock and some poor male counselor carried me on his back all the way to the infirmary.
I remember going to beach camp and the beautiful second story porch that looked out over the ocean. The breeze and the view on that porch created a little haven of peacefulness, even for a bunch of middle school kids.
I remember the smell of waking up from an over night - a mixture of campfire, bug spray, burnt food, sleeping bags, and sweat.
I remember reading a different Narnia book each summer, and later each session of camp.
I remember my first year back at camp, and becoming a part of a group for perhaps the very first time. Although I have no idea where most of those people are, or what they are doing, I will always remember that summer with fondness. We were a great (although small) group, and it was awesome to be a part of it.
I remember the silly songs; maybe not all of the words to every song, but I definitely remember silly songs. Chiquita banana anyone?
I remember the countless, countless times I sat in the middle of a group of people, singing songs that I loved, and being perfectly content to simply live in the moment. I would have been happy to sing every moment of every day out there.
I remember dishes. Oh, how I remember doing dishes. There are few things in this world that can be that fun AND that miserable, all at the same time.
I remember friendship bracelets.
I remember the year it rained. And rained. And rained and rained and rained. By the end of that two week session I though I was going to have mold growing on my face and mud permanently attached to my feet. It was awesome to be in the middle of a force of nature like that, though - and watching the river rise almost to the dining hall was kind of cool.
I remember walking to the high ropes course on the back property in the blistering sun, putting harnesses on kids, and watching our leaders try not to die of heat stroke.
I remember the lovely, lovely swimming pool. And the G-line, which sadly is no more.
I remember my favorite spot on the planet, the chapel. I remember the simple wooden benches built into a deck on the flat top of a hill, looking out over the creek and the field. I remember the the calm and serene feeling that permeates the wind that blows through the trees. That is the one place in the world where I NEVER have to try to see God; he just exists there always and forever, even in my memory. All I have to do is close my eyes and I am laying on one of those wooden benches, looking up into the leafy greenness, listening to the breeze pass over, around, and through everything.
I remember the slop bucket. I also remember (and not many people do) turning the compost pile in the garden.
Out of the thousands of memories (some bad, most good) I have of camp, I am most grateful for the ones that brought me the friends I have today. It's hard to believe that a summer can affect people so much, but outside of my family, the people I am closest to today all went to camp. Sometimes it seems weird, but when I think about it, it makes perfect sense. They all know how good it feels to take a shower after a long, dirty, sweaty day at camp.
Labels: memories
Ha! I just walked three miles and I have no blisters because I wore my old, yucky, paint-spattered tennis shoes. Just thought you would like to know. Stupid new shoes. I hate you.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Okay, I need to make a plan for the day so that I don't waste the entire day taking naps and watching home improvement/cooking shows. Like I would do that. Oh wait, that's what I did yesterday. And I am very sure that you all are interested in this, but I think telling that publishing my to-do list will help me actually do it. Kind of like how you're supposed to tell everyone you know when you go on a diet.
My Monday-of-Spring-Break To Do List:
- Dishes
- Laundry
- Sweep
- Mop
- Vacuum
- Organize school stuff
- Read for school
- Take pictures?
Labels: lists, procrastination, school, spring
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Some thoughts:
- I just walked two miles.
- I think my tennis shoes suck.
- Everything outside is soo beautiful - spring is awesome.
- I could watch TLC and the Food Channel ALL DAY LONG.
- I want to start cooking more, especially healthy things.
- I need to go take a shower so that we can go shopping!
Friday, March 09, 2007
I've decided that tonight will be girlie night.
I have plucked my eyebrows and flossed my teeth.
Up next are removing my toe nail polish, eating dessert (easy there, I had a salad for dinner!), and watching a movie.
After that, I am planning on taking a bath, putting on a face mask, and drinking some wine.
OH, and tomorrow I will (maybe) be getting a pedicure! And going shopping! And spending money I don't have! Oops, I think I just used all of my alloted exclamation points for the rest of the month. Oh well.
On a side note, I am watching While You Were Out, one of my favorite shows. And WHAT THE HELL IS UP with Andrew never being able to measure correctly? Seriously. You are a carpenter.
If wishes were children, I would be the old woman living in her shoe.
Right now, I wish...
- I was walking through the streets of NYC, taking pictures, with a ticket to a show for that evening.
- I were in the park, taking pictures of all the pretty trees that are blooming.
- I were at home, with all (two) of the windows open, reading a book (of my choice), with everything completely clean.
- I were wearing my red high heels. Just because.
- I were buying flowery plants to hang on my patio.
- For it to be 5 o'clock already.
- I were running errands, getting stuff done.
- I were sitting in a coffee shop in Austin, drinking coffee and hanging out with very cool, interesting people.
- I was packing for my trip to London/Ireland/Europe (which probably won't be happening for another two years).
- I was on the Mac website, buying a new computer for myself.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Well folks, I got an "A" on my scary presentation all about Salman Rushdie, but my blog posting lately? That would get a "D," with the possibility of an "F" in the near future.
Sorry kids, I've been busy and sleepy lately with all the school stuff, work stuff, and birthday celebrating (HAPPY BIRTHDAY Daddy, Erin, Mary, and Sarah!).
My goal next week is to be much better, but next week I will be procrastinating about writing papers, and as we all know that is the BEST time to write blog entries. Hell, it's the best time to scrub the toilet, clean the litter box, and sweep under the stove. All while blogging. It promises to be an exciting week!
Anyway, good night - I'm going to go home, eat a bowl of cereal, and watch the stuff saved on my DVR.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
So there's a new show on BBC American called Robin Hood...I think I'm going to like it!
There were two stay cats fighting on my porch yesterday morning. It scared Ollie so much that he wouldn't come out from under the bed all morning, and he still jumps at any noise above a whisper.
I'm tired...thank God my classes are over until after Spring Break...oh yeah, and thank God for Spring Break!
Labels: random
Monday, March 05, 2007
Things I Learned This Weekend:
- VIP treatment at clubs is waaay cool
- If you stand near the birthday girl, you get free drinks
- Never take marriage advice from the guy hanging outside the bathroom; especially if you tell them that you are not married.
- My cuticles are MESSED UP
- If you are my sister, you should drink water while partying for your 21st birthday so that you don't faint during communion the next morning.
- I love stuffed salmon
- The book will eventually end, all you have to do is devote every SINGLE GODDAMN SECOND to reading it
- Being able to plug your iPod into the car's cd player is awesome
- My cat likes to eat highlighters
- Apparently, Erin dropping her pizza face down on 6th street is really really funny (this may be a result of the free alcohol + lateness of the hour)
- Sometimes, making up your own recipe is fun and it might taste good
- Going to three different coffee places in Austin, then going home and trying to go to sleep at a reasonable hour is not going to happen
- Salman Rushdie is the devil...or is he?
- I think I'm ready to live in a big city
Friday, March 02, 2007
Dear Internet,
Why am I so cranky?
Why does the thought of going out at night make me want to curl up in a little ball in a dark corner?
What happened to me?
-- The cranky lady that needs to let go
The calendar over my desk has "Hang in there...a break is near" written at the top. I keep staring at it, hoping the words will become true faster.
And today begins the weekend of birthdays...lots and lots of birthdays. It's a darn good thing my mom and I have birthdays in the fall/winter, because these spring birthdays kill me every year.
In other news, I got a scholarship to pay for most of my airplane ticket to the conference - hoorah!
Although I live by myself, I HATE being at work by myself. I am exceedingly unmotivated to do anything. At all. Speaking of which, I should get back to doing....well, nothing.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
I've been meaning to do this for awhile, and because it is completely and utterly frivolous I have been putting it off. What with all the Oscar hoopla, though, I figured I could just blend into the superficiality.
My Top 9 Celebrity Crushes (I couldn't think of a 10):
9. Vin Diesel

- What can I say? The man has fabulous arms. And I don't care what anyone says, I loved The Chronicles of Riddick.
8. Robert Downey Jr.

- Post-drug addiction, pre-scary married guy, Robert Downey Jr. briefly reigned over Ally McBeal's heart...and mine. He was the only one that could go toe-to-toe with Ally's neuroses, and he did it with a grace and understanding that I loved. I would really like to own the season he was in on DVD, but they haven't released them in the states yet.

- Gilbert Blythe in Anne of Green Gables was my first love. I remember watching the first movie when I was really little, and Gilbert was so cute, and older, and said "both" really funny. The scene when he and Anne finally are planning their futures together on the bridge with the sunset will be stuck in my mind forever.

- I think this girl (woman, I guess) is AMAZING. She could kick my ass with her pinky finger, and look awesome while doing it. I love strong females who aren't afraid to play with the big boys, and she definitely can - see Alias seasons 1-5.

- What can I say about "Chandler" that I haven't said before? I love him, he's funny, he was on my favorite show...Did I mention that he was funny?

- When I think about the many, many, MANY hours I spent watching Jonathon Brandis on SeaQuest DSV it makes me a little scared. I mean, I could have been curing cancer or something, but no - my 12-year-old self spent HOURS in front of the tv watching recorded episodes. I would fast-forward to his scenes and then watch them over and over again, all the while dreaming that somehow he would know that I loved him and would show up at my door ready to whisk me away. I saved the TV Guides that mentioned his name, I wrote letters to his fan club, I...I'm thinking that this is a little embarrassing and that I should maybe stop. He committed suicide a few years ago, and a I admit I shed a few tears for him.

- Now we're getting into the really good stuff here. Call me a dork/nerd/geek all you want, but Capt. Mal Reynolds is HOT. I have no idea what the actual actor himself is like, but I will be forever endeared to him for playing this one character. I couldn't bring myself to see his most recent movie (I mean, really, who wants to see a movie called Slither? Yuck.) I will keep an eye on him in the future.

- Mr. Christian Bale has been in my movie life for so long I can't remember a time I didn't know and love him. Beginning with Newsies, then Little Women, my young love for the singing-and-dancing-newsboy/Laurie-who-had-his-heart-broken-by-Jo was cemented. Add in the very adult new Batman who is extremely fit, and you get one fantastic package. I believe I actually once used the phrase, "I could eat him with a spoon."

- Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the sexiest man of whatever year you can think of. Forget Clooney, Pitt, etc., this is the man for me. Even playing something of a perverted bastard in Closer, I was still on his side all the way. I really wanted him to beat up Jude Law, that stuck-up, nanny-affair-having, prancy boy. I'm not exactly sure why Clive does it for me, but I know that he does. And, just for kicks, his movies include Gosford Park, King Arthur, Closer, Inside Man, and Beyond Borders. I may have to take a night off studying sometime soon and have myself a little marathon.
Found on the internet, this one is for Erin:
This is dedicated to every woman who ever attempted to get into regular workout routine.
Dear Diary...
For my fiftieth birthday this year, my husband (the dear) purchased a week of personal training at the local health club for me. Although I am still in great shape since playing on my high school softball team, I decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and give it a try. I called the club and made my reservations with a personal trainer I'll call Bruce, who
identified himself as a 26 year old aerobics instructor and model for athletic clothing and swim wear. My husband seemed pleased with my enthusiasm to get started. The club encouraged me to keep a diary to chart my progress.
Started my day at 6:00am. Tough to get out of bed, but found it was well worth it when I arrived at the health club to find Bruce waiting for me. He is something of a Greek god - with blond hair, dancing eyes and a dazzling white smile. Woo Hoo!! Bruce gave me a tour and showed me the machines. He took my pulse after five minutes on the treadmill. He was alarmed that my pulse was so fast, but I attribute it to standing next to him in his Lycra aerobic outfit. I enjoyed watching the skillful way in which he conducted his aerobics class after my workout today. Very inspiring. Bruce was encouraging as I did my sit-ups, although my gut was already aching from holding it in the whole time he was around. This is going to be a FANTASTIC week!!
I drank a whole pot of coffee, but I finally made it out the door. Bruce made me lie on my back and push a heavy iron bar into the air - then he put weights on it! My legs were a little wobbly on the treadmill, but I made the full mile. Bruce's rewarding smile made it all worthwhile. I feel GREAT!! It's a whole new life for me.
The only way I can brush my teeth is by laying on the toothbrush on the counter and moving my mouth back and forth over it. I believe I have a hernia in both pectorals. Driving was OK as long as I didn't try to steer or stop. I parked on top of a GEO in the club parking lot. Bruce was impatient with me, insisting that my screams bothered other club members. His voice is a little too perky for early in the morning and when he scolds, he gets this nasally whine that is VERY annoying. My chest hurt when I got on the treadmill, so Bruce put me on the stair monster. Why the heck would anyone invent a machine to simulate an activity rendered obsolete by elevators? Bruce told me it would help me get in shape and enjoy life.
Bruce was waiting for me with his vampire-like teeth exposed as his thin, cruel lips were pulled back in a full snarl. I couldn't help being a half an hour late, it took me that long to tie my shoes. Bruce took me to work out with dumbbells. When he was not looking, I ran and hid in the men's room. He sent Lars to find me, then, as punishment, put me on the rowing machine - which I sank.
I hate that b^%$$d Bruce more than any human being has ever hated any other human being in the history of the world. Stupid, skinny, anemic little cheerleader. If there was a part of my body I could move without unbearable pain, I would beat him with it. Bruce wanted me to work on my triceps. I don't have any triceps! And if you don't want dents in the floor, don't hand me the *@*#$ barbells or anything that weighs more than a sandwich. (Which I am sure you learned in the sadist school you attended and graduated magna cum laude from. The treadmill flung me off and I landed on a health and nutrition teacher. Why couldn't it have been someone softer, like the drama coach or the choir director?
Bruce left a message on my answering machine in his grating, shrilly voice wondering why I did not show up today. Just hearing him made me want to smash the machine with my planner. However, I lacked the strength to even use the TV remote and ended up catching eleven straight hours of the *$@#& Weather Channel.
I'm having the Church van pick me up for services today so I can go and thank GOD that this week is over. I will also pray that next year my husband will choose a gift for me that is fun - like a root canal or a hysterectomy.
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